Shine like the stars

Last year, I, along with several amazing ladies, started a women's Bible study at our church.  

Before we ever began the study, We chose a theme... SHINE LIKE THE STARS.

Our verse is: "Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain." Philippians 2:14-16.

Life is meant to be RELATIONAL. My hearts' desire is to reflect the light of the world. The Lord wants us to be IN the world and adopt an “attitude of gratitude” and worship by holding fast to the WORD OF LIFE

It seems like lately, the Lord has been stripping us of everything that just a few short weeks ago we took for granted. Going to school, to church. Going to a pilates class. Opening your shop each day expecting to see familiar faces. Sitting down with a friend for a cup of coffee (okay, I dream about this and never actually DO it). After school sports. A simple trip to the grocery store. Many activities are important and necessary. BUT many are add-ons to an already overloaded schedule. Our families are so weighed down by the busyness of the world that there is little time for connection. For quality time. For truly looking into each others eyes, listening to hopes and dreams and prayers. This time of Quarantine has made the busyness come to a screeching halt. Could it be that this is the time that we are to "shine among them like stars in the sky as we hold firmly to the word of life."? Could this be the time that we are to help bring the darkness to light?

What if instead of complaining about all of the inconveniences, we share the love and light of Jesus in a dark and lonely world? Sure, it would be SUPER EASY for me to cry all day every day. And I've done my fair share of crying/freaking out/and crying some more. But at the end of the day, HB is not the most important thing. Sure I am not going to be irresponsible in my thinking or actions. I am responsible for this sweet little business that we started 10 years ago. But right now everything is completely out of my control. The only thing is my control right now is my reaction to the situation. The way I love the Lord, my husband, my children and my community. 

May we all use this time as a way to determine if we are spending are lives chasing after and laboring over the futile things in life, or if we are holding firmly to the word of Life. 


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