Lyme Mexico
It would be impossible for me to write about how and why we got here in the short time I have to post right now. Planning to continue keeping a journal of all relevant medical information and things I’ve thought to be important like I have for the last (almost)7 months, but hope to turn it into a more formal blog soon. But for those of you who know + love Whitman and have taken a great interest in his health, I wanted to write an update.
We met Dr. Morales Wednesday! We loved meeting him, he is brilliant yet humble and kind and patient. He entertained all of our questions and was especially kind to Whitman by explaining things like “ozone therapy” and how they have made it safe (Whitman has watched a bit too much of “The Flash” and wondering if he could turn into lightening⚡️🙃). With all of the good we have experienced here, and the confidence we feel, it was a hard appointment because he told us he will always be honest and upfront with our questions. He did a complete physical exam and saw that Whitman has hyper reflexes, decreased sensitivity, and get this…decreased hearing all on his right side. After the exam he was very honest and expressed that he does have great concern that Whitman’s nerve damage may not be reversible. This took us both by surprise because it was scary and sad and Whitman got upset. He did say he feels confident he can eradicate the Lyme and stop it from progressing. He said he is affected at the nerve root of the “horses tail” which is his caude equina… which is what his amazing PT knew was affected from the beginning and what we have asked EVERY single Doctor about that he has seen since 2 weeks after his appendectomy.
At least we now know what we are dealing with and trust Whitman is in wonderful hands. Dr. Morales seemed to love Whitman and welcome his many many questions instead of getting annoyed like the most of the other doctors have. Who knew a child shouldn’t be concerned with their own health and wellness?🙃
And when it got to be too many questions, he told him “ok buddy, last one for tonight!❤️🙏🏽
#whitmanswarriors #lymedisease #lymewarrior #lymemexico #lymediseasemexico
Thank you for this info Hannah. Mark and I are in prayer for Whitman and it sounds so positive and encouraging. Love and hugs to all Spires.
Thoughts and prayers are with the family. May you find comfort in God’s love.
Janis and Robert
I’m so glad that you posted a link to your blog. I think about Whitman very often and I’m very interested in following your journey to help him. Whitman is one strong little boy. I love the fact that he asks questions and the Dr Morales is patient in answering them. That’s so important!! Hugs and love to all of you! I’m hoping that this gives tons of relief!!!❤️❤️❤️
Praying for you sweet Whitman and for you Hannah, along with prayers for the doctor and staff who are attending Whitman. I keep the rest of your family on my prayers and my heart.
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