Proceed with Caution

From the beginning we decided we would be transparent on this journey… the good, the bad, the ugly and the patiently waiting. Up until Wednesday we were moving right along with Whitman’s treatments. His walking is a lot worse because his left leg is starting to give out now. This leaves very little “wiggle room” in his ability to walk unassisted. Today Chris went out with a local and bought Whit a walker so he could get around better in the condo. I didn’t pack his because I didn’t think we would need it here. The “pollyhannah” in me thought we would see super fast improvement and while I know this is exactly where we are supposed to be, the process is just HARD. We were about to leave the clinic for the day on Wednesday when Dr. Morales called us in for a meeting. He asked a lot of questions and said he wants Whitman to take next week off of treatments. He said the Lyme is fighting back so hard and he is worried about him developing a blood clot. He explained more about the demyelination of the nerves at the cauda equina and how as Lyme dies it releases toxins that cause the nerves to be more raw causing him to fall more. He said Whitman is so sick -he is one of the most complex cases he has ever seen- and the therapies are so hard on his body that he needs a week of rest so that he can be stronger for the next round of treatments. I know it’s for the best and I trust Dr. Morales so completely with Whitman but it just sucked the wind out of my sails💔 We just want our sweet boy better and his fragile state freaks me out 😭 I didn’t realize the treatments would be so hard on him. He really is such a trooper and SO BRAVE. We are beyond thankful for the well-planned individualized care he is receiving and we understand their hesitation in pushing forward too hard/too fast with Whitman’s history of SJS and the post-op hematoma. We had our final consult for the week with the other doctor on the floor yesterday and he said that Whitman makes them nervous and they would rather proceed with caution. Better to take a break and rest than to “crash and burn.” Much of the healing will take time and this is part of the process. We continue to trust in the great Healer and know that The Lord is working even when we cannot see. On the bright side, Whitman is looking forward to a week of no treatments and trying to plan a few fun things to do🥳💓 please pray with us that he feels well and can enjoy his break!

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3: 20-21


  • Rosemary Keown

    Our prayer this week will be rest and refreshment for all of you. We will pray for encouragement.
    Healing for your precious son

  • Rosemary Keown

    Our prayer this week will be rest and refreshment for all of you. We will pray for encouragement.
    Healing for your precious son

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